
Latvian Evangelical Lutheran Church of Washington, DC


Sanctuary and church address

400 Hurley Avenue
Rockville, MD 20850-3121

Office: 301-251-4151
Kitchen: 301-251-0779

ALA Office: 301-340-1914
JBANC office: 301-340-1954
WFFL (PBLA) office: 301-340-7646


The Very Reverend Anita Vārsberga Pāža

Office: 301-251-4151
Cell: 301-302-3270


Congregation Board president

Helena Viksnins

The Church Office

Liene Powell

Office: 301-251-4151


Ieva Karklins O'Rourke

Fellowship hour coordinator

Renāte Gravers

Facilities caretaker

Markus Birznieks


Church location

To the church from Virginia:

  1. Take I-495 North into Maryland
  2. Take exit 38 onto I-270 North.
  3. When I-270 splits, keep right; right lanes become I-270 local.
  4. Take exit 6B onto West Montgomery Ave (Rt. 28)
  5. Turn left onto Hurley Ave.
  6. 400 Hurley Ave is on the left.

To the church from South Montgomery County or Prince George's County:

  1. Take I-495 South toward Virginia.
  2. Take exit 35 onto I-270 North.
  3. When I-270 splits, keep right; right lanes become I-270 local.
  4. Take exit 6B onto West Montgomery Ave (Rt. 28)
  5. Turn left onto Hurley Ave.
  6. 400 Hurley Ave is on the left.

To the church from North Montgomery County:

  1. Take Georgia Ave South.
  2. Turn right onto Route 28 West. Keep going until after Route 28 crosses I-270.
  3. Turn left onto Hurley Ave.
  4. 400 Hurley Ave is on the left.

To the church from Frederick:

  1. Take I-270 South.
  2. Turn right onto Route 28 West. Keep going until after Route 28 crosses I-270.
  3. Take exit 6B onto West Montgomery Ave (Rt. 28)
  4. Turn left onto Hurley Ave.
  5. 400 Hurley Ave is on the left.